Helping Professional Series: San Diego Psychologist Shares About Child Testing and Independent Evaluations.

Donica Dohrenwend, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, #27969

Director and Founder of Psychology 360, Inc.

While all therapists make clinical assessments to treat, there are times when specific testing is needed and advantageous for a client.  As a therapist in San Marcos, CA working with children, I know the testing and evaluation process can be overwhelming for parents.

To improve my understanding, I recently participated in a training conducted by Donica Dohrenwend, PhD, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. She is the director and founder of Psychology 360, Inc., a group practice specializing in psychoeducational and psychological evaluations.

As a Psychologist in San Diego, Dr. Donica has a wealth of information regarding psychological and neuropsychological testing and educational evaluations. Following the training, I had the opportunity to connect with Dr. Donica, learn more, and collaborate on this article to help parents better understand testing
and evaluations for children.


Learn more about Dr. Donica, Psychology 360, Inc., and testing and evaluations for children from our interview below!

What kind of evaluations do you provide at Psyc360?

The majority of evaluations we conduct are for diagnostic clarification; they include private evaluations (out-of-network) and school-district funded evaluations (IEEs). Within these areas we conduct psychological evaluations and psychoeducational evaluations.

Some of the diagnoses we commonly evaluate for include Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorders, Mood Disorders, and Anxiety. We also offer other types of evaluations for more specific reasons, such as IQ testing, fitness-for-duty, pre-employment, pre-adoption, pre-surrogacy, and pre-surgical.


What do you love about your work as a Psychologist in San Diego?

I love working as a team and collaborating with colleagues. Since moving to San Diego in 2006 I have been involved in various areas of psychology, mental health, and wellness. I've met so many amazing providers in the field of psychology and closely related fields. I now have a wonderful arsenal of local referrals and resources. We feel grateful to be able to share these with the clients and families we work with.


If I’m a parent, what are important considerations before seeking an evaluation for my child?

Prior to considering an evaluation for your child, it's important to think through the things you are concerned about. This can be in any arena, academically, socially, emotionally, developmentally. Write down these concerns and gather collateral from other individuals that know your child, such as, another parent, relative, teacher, or involved professional.

The next step would be to research practices that offer evaluation services, and then have an intake call to see who would be the best fit. During this call, you should feel heard and have all of your questions answered.


Some parents are familiar with evaluations conducted by school psychologists at their child’s school. 

Can a private evaluation from Psyc360 be used to get school supports and test accommodations?

It depends on the type and level of supports that are needed. A private evaluation can be used to more easily prove the necessity for a 504 Accommodation Plan for a student. It also may help in initiating school testing to determine special education eligibility.

However, in order for a school to create an IEP (Individualized Education Program) which is a goal-oriented document protected by the Individuals with Disabilities Act, the school is required to complete some of their own testing. From our experience, schools always consider our testing, findings and recommendations in their process. They just need to go through their own processes as well, prior to creating an IEP.


Is a private, Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) honored by other medical providers like a child’s pediatrician?

Yes! There is a clinical psychologist on each case, so we include medical diagnoses (if indicated) and include DSM-5 and ICD-10 codes. Sometimes specific treatment will be covered if certain diagnoses are met, such as ABA therapy for Autism or psychotherapy for anxiety/depression.

As a therapist who works with children, I know the evaluation process can seem long for parents.  They can also feel unsure if paying for an evaluation will be helpful.

What are the benefits of investing in a comprehensive evaluation?

The evaluation process can seem lengthy and expensive. Though when necessary the benefits can far outweigh the time and resources. For example, when clarity related to diagnoses is needed in order to receive certain supports, such as ABA for Autism or educational therapy for Dyslexia.

It is also beneficial to identify specific challenges, areas of growth, and strengths. With this information, an appropriate treatment plan can be created. Parents often use the recommendations in our report as a 'roadmap' for years to come.


In my work with families, I know parents and caretakers are sometimes apprehensive about their child receiving a diagnosis.  

What are some of the negatives and positives of receiving a diagnosis? 

We believe a diagnosis does not define an individual and that the benefits of identifying a diagnosis outweigh the risks. However, we understand some feel concerned with an associated negative stigma following diagnoses. We always process these thoughts with families when such concerns are voiced.


We also are clear about what we will be evaluating for. For example, parents will know if we are ruling in or out a learning disorder, ADHD, emotional health issue, Autism etc. In our experience, even if a diagnosis is difficult to hear or process at first, in the long run, providing families with this clarity is important in order to best serve and support their loved ones.


I know parents don’t always know their child could benefit from a more comprehensive evaluation. When should a therapist refer a child for an evaluation?

Evaluations are most beneficial when there have been concerns for a period of time and there does not appear to be improvements. These concerns can be in any area, overall emotional health, academic and learning, attention and executive functioning, social and peer communication, sensory processing, or other areas of adaptive functioning.

Typically, prior to an evaluation, families have identified concerns and may have even started some types of supports or interventions, such as school supports or private therapy. In general, when it becomes clear there is "something more going on" and new questions are arising, then this makes the perfect time to initiate an evaluation.

What can a family expect to happen during their child’s initial appointment with you?

The assessment process involves multiple steps, outlined below:

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Initial Intake with Clinical Coordinator

Complimentary 15-minute consultation call to discuss areas of concern. After this call, an intake form link is sent and may be completed online. Scheduling can also be completed during this call.



Between 1 and 3 sessions of face-to-face or video remote testing with the client. Each session is typically 2-3 hours. Scoring, Interpretation, Records Review & Report Writing After testing is complete, our clinical team focuses on scoring, interpretation, gathering collateral, and report writing. This process takes approximately 1-2 weeks.


Final Feedback Session

This 1-hour final feedback session is with the client or parents. In this session, we review evaluation results, diagnoses, strengths, and areas of growth. An individualized treatment plan outlining supports, accommodations, and recommendations is reviewed. A comprehensive written report is provided electronically, as well as in a hardcopy version if the final feedback session is attended in-person.

Connection to Referrals

After the final feedback session, we will provide appropriate local referrals based on evaluation findings.


Coordination of Care or Consultation Services

If further support is needed after the final feedback session, Psychology 360 offers various ways to support your journey. These include student feedback sessions, additional school meetings, parent consultations, brief school-based counseling sessions, and collaborative meetings with other involved professionals.


What resources do you recommend to parents and caretakers before or after an evaluation?  

One of the most rewarding parts of the work we do is getting the individuals we evaluate into the hands of great providers! We have a wonderful referral list of providers that we trust and know will take wonderful care of our clients. We make it a priority to personally get to know providers in our area, understand their approach, and ensure they offer the types of supports and treatments we outline in our reports. 

Is there anything else you would like to share about your work as a Psychologist or the evaluations provided by you and your team at Psyc360?

We just love specializing in testing and evaluation! We have a multidisciplinary team at Psyc360, that includes clinical psychologists, school psychologists, a psychometrist, and our support staff. We are constantly communicating and collaborating with each other, which we feel is such a benefit, as we all add unique professional and personal perspectives and experiences.

How can parents or caretakers, or their child's therapist best contact you to learn more about working with you and your team at Psyc360?

The first step to connecting with us is to use the Calendly Link below to schedule a complimentary intake call with our client coordinator.

You can also visit our website


More about Dr. Donica

What’s one of your favorite things to do in San Diego?

Hot Yoga! I've been practicing since I lived in NYC, 25 years ago. It's definitely my favorite self-care activity. I also love live music, especially at smaller venues like the Belly Up or House of Blues. Exploring new Asian or farm-to-table restaurants is at the top of my list as well.

Education & Training

Donica Dohrenwend, PhD, earned her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Fielding Graduate University and holds master’s degrees in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Organizational Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Donica has more than fifteen years of graduate and postgraduate training in the fields of clinical psychology, forensic psychology, and psychological & neuropsychological evaluation.


Curious to learn more about Therapy in San Marcos for kids? I specialize in anxiety therapy for elementary-school-aged children and come alongside parents through parent coaching.

Visit the contact page to schedule a free phone consultation for Child Therapy in San Marcos with Tami.


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